In Germany, TV advertising is declining big time at the moment as Nielsen Media Research data shows for January - but tactial media is on the rise - visibility seems to be generated rather via outdoor (+ 37.9% January 09 vs. 08). Is every brand now getting their share of emotions and involvement online as TV, magazines and cinema ads are declining? There are some often used new marketing terms and "integrated web 2.0" bullshiting talk seems to be all around. I do not believe in the "classic media will die"-theory - as I am personally highly enjoying a night on the couch with classic TV programming or a magazine read on the train. No kindle will change that all too soon. But there is a large quest in search of smart ways to do social media, and there often seems to be a lack of knowledge on how to get it right when turning to the web and its platforms. The good thing about Twitter and the likes: not only do brands use them for their own purposes - a lot of smart people also share a good deal of information on the "how to do it best" for brands with media channels such as Facebook, Twitter or other.
I recently came across three pretty good articles that give good "best practise" examples. Yes, there is the well-known and still cool "will it blend" case in it as well as the recent "Sacrifice a friend for a burger" - but some more that should inspire. The "social media smartest brands" as well as this piece on the "best twitter brands", both on mashable.com will give a great overview, not only for the newbies in this field.
For further detail on how brands really can let go and not try to control content too much: check out Frito-Lays Cheetos that are involving online blogs into their brand. Read more in a recent adage article that describes in good detail what the brand does via blogs. Not neglecting their TV presence and how to work channel specific - as their latest superbowl ad shows.

There is more to follow - I am truly fascinated by this topic as well as by the richness of conversation on it online.
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