Together with the great people at LHBS in Vienna we have been working to collectively create a study on the current patterns that can be identified regarding women. A lot of the signs we collected are from international sources - nevertheless has our work a German- or at least European focus in most of it. What is without doubt is that women today are strongly influencing the economy and are a key target for brands from all categories.
The Prologue to Women: The Sheconomy
Women globally make about 60% of all brand purchases and influence close to 80%. Women possess more economic clout than the combined economies of India and China. It’s been said that the world economy needs women! Women got the money and Women been spending it yet most women feel completely misunderstood, often insulted by brands. Women buy cars, health services, financial paper and technological products and services yet most of these are marketed to men. In worse case scenarios, marketers give them ‘pink stuff’ or ‘technology for dummies’ (think Della from Dell). Someone is missing something.

Just looking at the figures, something is about to change - female quota yes or no. It is just a matter of time that women will become even more influential than they are already. A look not just at the birth rates and population statistics in Germany shows that more women will spend more time in the work force in the future - not just because they want to, but because we as a society don't have a choice. And looking at their level of education, they will do so in different and more influential positions in the future - as only 35% of students were females in 1970, we are today at a share of 51% of university attendants in Germany. And as it seems it pays off to have female influence within companies, as further stats show.